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Falco cherrug [Kuwait]

Inform range State that species has been eliminated from review process-R
Currrent Concern: Urgent Concern
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SC54 Doc. 42: 45. [...] Kuwait ...] replied to the recommendations, for the most part confirming that no exports of Falco cherrug of wild origin were permitted and that the species was protected from harvesting or trade. Only Austria (36), China (one) and Serbia (two) have captive breeding operations for the species other than zoos, which reportedly are regularly inspected. Captive bred birds are marked with leg bands, mostly combined with microchips. In China, additional DNA-identification is obligatory. DNA of specimens claimed to be captive bred can be analyzed on a case-by-case basis in Austria, which notes that without compulsory DNA identification, it cannot be excluded with certainty that birds taken illegally from the wild are falsely declared as captive bred and subsequently exported. 46 The Secretariat, in consultation with the Chairman of the Animals Committee, has determined that the 16 Parties mentioned in paragraph 45 have implemented the recommendations addressed to them and, pending the agreement of the Chairman of the Standing Committee, will be notifying these Parties that they have been removed from the Review of Significant Trade with respect to this species. The Standing Committee is invited to note this information.   17/02/2015  Public Viewer   Elena 

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