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Falco cherrug [Kuwait]

Inform range State of recommendations-P
Currrent Concern: Urgent Concern
Date Started
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Within 3 months of the date of this letter (15 November 2005), the Management Authority of Kuwait should provide detailed information to the Secretariat on the following: a) confirmation that no exports of Falco cherrug are permitted, or, if this is not the case: b) the justification and scientific basis by which it has been established that the quantities of F. cherrug exported were not detrimental to the survival of the species in Kuwait and in compliance with Article IV, paragraphs 2 (a) and 3; c) the distribution and conservation status of F. cherrug in Kuwait, explaining when the status was established and by what methodology the information was obtained; d) the number of captive breeding operations for F. cherrug in the country and the controls in place to differentiate between captive-bred and wild-caught specimens to ensure that the authorized exports of specimens of wild origin are augmented by falsely declared ‘captive-bred’ specimens.  17/02/2015  Public Viewer   Elena 

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