Taxus wallichiana [India]
Recomendation | Date Added | Deadline Date | Committee |
Within 3 months a) India should confirm that they do not allow export of wild harvested specimens and the Secretariat can include this on the CITES website as a voluntary cero export quota; and b) If exports are confirmed, the Scientific and Management Authority of India should provide to the Secretariat confirmation that the existing policies in place provide an adequate scientific basis for the formulation of non-detriment findings for Taxus wallichiana. The Management Authority should explain existing procedures for identifying the species, the issuing of export permits, and explain also the scientific basis for the formulation of non detriment findings and procedures for monitoring the volume of exports in accordance with Article IV. | 15/04/2008 00:00:00 | 19/08/2008 00:00:00 | PC17 - Plants Committee |
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