Varanus exanthematicus [Nigeria]
The stages are defined in paragraphs (a) to (v) of Conf. 12.8 (Rev. CoP13)
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A,B,C | Select species for review | |
D | Notify range State | |
D | Record date of response from range State | |
E | Submit response to Scientific Committee | |
F | Review by Scientific Committee | |
F | Inform Parties of eliminated species | |
G,H | Identify Secretariat staff or consultant to compile information | |
I | Categorize information | |
J | Send report to range State | |
J | Record date of response from range State | |
K | Submit report to Scientific Committee | |
K | Review of report by Scientific Committee | |
L | Inform range State of eliminated species | |
M, N | Formulate recommendations and determine deadlines. | |
P | Inform range State of recommendations | |
Q | Decide if recommendations have been met | |
Q | Report decision to Standing Committee | |
R | Consult with Standing Committee | |
R | Inform range State that species has been eliminated from review process | |
S | Recommend appropriate action to Standing Committee | |
S | Decide appropriate action and make recommendations to State/all Parties | |
T | Notify Party(ies) of recommendations and actions | |
T | Impose trade suspension | |
U | Receive news of compliance from Party | |
U | Withdraw trade suspension | |
V | Implement two-year review of trade suspensions | |
V | Confirm trade suspension for further two-year period | |
V | Lift trade suspension | |
OLDDB | Imported Data from Old System | View History |

The CITES Significant Trade Database is updated frequently, but may not be completely up-to-date at any given moment or necessarily error free. This database is intended to be an initial reference source only, and users must verify any information obtained from it with Parties or the CITES Secretariat. The CITES Secretariat is not liable for any damages, in whole or in part, caused by or arising in any way from use of the CITES Significant Trade Database.